- How can you assign the value Nothing to a control attribute declaratively in a VB.Net ASPX file? -

if have control has read/write property of type nullable(of integer) (or integer?, if prefer shorthand), how can assign nothing value attribute in aspx/ascx definition (as opposed setting in codebehind)?

e.g. system.web.ui.webcontrols.textbox control has read/write property called maxlength of type integer. can set in aspx including property name attribute in declaration, this:

<asp:textbox id=”mytextbox” runat=”server” maxlength=”30” />

indeed, can set integer? property in same way long i’m assigning integer, want set property nothing.

any ideas?

try using data binding expression:

<my:mycontrol runat="server" id="mine" nullableproperty="<%# nothing %>" /> 


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