
Showing posts from July, 2013

windows phone 7 - Lazy loading list box, in a panorama page -

i wanted add lazy loading list box(load content when swipe) in panorama page in 1 of windows phone 7 applications. using pivot page. referred this link but not working panorama page. can please me? okay, you're going need 1 of 2 things: use bcl async package (basically adds async tasks , such wp7) or use background worker. highly suggest bcl async package, it's easy on nuget. now, in viewmodel (you using mvvm, yes?) property it's bound to, let's call items should return observablecollection of item type need. now, here's magic happens. in get ter of property, return new collection , use task fill it. this: public observablecollection<object> items { { observablecollection<object> retcollection = new observablecollection<object>(); fillcollection(retcollection); return retcollection; } } public async void fillcollection(observablecollection<object> collectiontofill) { task.factory

javascript - Jquery find class, value and change background color -

so have code <div class="width100"> <div class="width16 aux"><h1>abc</br>a1</h1><p class="aux-status">50</p></div> <div class="width16 aux"><h1>abc</br>b2</h1><p class="aux-status">24</p></div> <div class="width16 aux"><h1>abc</br>c3</h1><p class="aux-status">24</p></div> <div class="width16 aux"><h1>def</br>1a</h1><p class="aux-status">24</p></div> <div class="width16 aux "><h1>abc</br>d4</h1><p class="aux-status">0</p></div> <div class="width32 aux coomms">have: 12213</div> <div class="width16 aux clear"><h1>abc</br>e5</h1><p class="aux-status">24</p>

Running JavaScript within a Service in Android -

i have business logic written in javascript, code shared other non-android apps. what best way use functions in piece of javascript within service in android. afaik, there 2 options? v8 built standard webview , superfast, no apk bloat. rhino, tricky going on android? focusing on v8/webview, when attempt access webview, function, get; all webview methods must called on ui thread. future versions of webview may not support use on other threads. the warning being noted, doesn't work now. when set webviewclient up, nothing after loading url. my question in 3 parts; 1) has had success running javascript in webview without ui thread? 2) how results functions inside javascript, webview interface "addjavascriptinterface " support loading parameter , sending java? 3) if either of above impossible.. guess i'll go rhino, tips appreciated, i've seen few blogs complaining of issues regards getting going on android , wondering if there "go to&quo

android - Generate button states dynamically. -

i have buttons simple png-files. have default normal state. want create pressed state every button dynamically. main aim avoid working png , designer. how can create pressed state using xml or java? if however, looking xml code triggering different imagery based on states, selector placed in res->drawable folder trick. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="" > <item android:state_enabled="false" android:drawable="@drawable/gallerydisabled" /> <item android:state_pressed="true" android:state_enabled="true" android:drawable="@drawable/gallerypressed" /> <item android:state_enabled="true" android:drawable="@drawable/gallerynormal" /> </selector>

.net - Visual Studio 2012 Debugging - Strange scripts (fs.js and l.js) -

i trying debug site on visual studio 2012 and, of sudden, noticed website behaving strangely slower. i checked network tab on browser (ie10) , saw website downloading strange scripts fs.js , l.js. moreover, scripts being downloading repeatedly different urls. see image below: next, went visual studio , saw this: these scripts (that don't recognize, not use or import anywhere) being downloaded infinity, crashing website. any idea can be? seems happen running site on local host.

c++ - Separate STDOUT noise from ncurses -

i trying run ncurses gui application on arm board. running using serial console ttyama0 port. when run ncurses program, other processes running in background print debug messages i.e qdebub, qwarning stdout i.e on gui layout , hence results in noise. think problem because processes using same console device. so there command line or programmatic solution problem not see other process' stdout on ncurses gui ? p.s: have tried gnu screen , gdb solution , work fine. want alternative solution this

java - Stopping the method until another execution finished? -

i have loop adds 50,000 objects arraylist shown below, takes longer time execute. public list<googlefeedentry> getentries(iterator it) { googlefeedutil gfu = new googlefeedutil(host, prefix, domain, servername); list<googlefeedentry> entry = new arraylist<googlefeedentry>(); googlefeedentry gfe; googlefeedentryshipping shipping; while (it.hasnext()) { gfe = new googlefeedentry(); shipping = new googlefeedentryshipping(); productbo product = (productbo); entry.add(gfe); } return entry; } after method calling method public void dosomething(){ //some code here } i calling these 2 methods inside method. if put limited number of objects list working out problem. in case of 50,000 objects throwing following exception java.sql.sqlexception: maximum open cursors exceeded ora-01000 i felt nothing oracle(if correct). ofcourse loading objects database. when set break point @ first

import - How to insert an image in python -

how import or insert image using python.basically want know how import image , how select file , folder in using python. install pil(python image library) : then: import image myimage ="your_image_here");;

entity framework - The type Parameter in Execute Function is incompatible with the type returned by the function -

i'm getting following error when trying import stored proc function in entity framework 5. have updated data project reference new version of ef. the type parameter '' in executefunction incompatible type '' returned function. i can't work stored simple test one: create procedure testy begin select 'hello' hello end go it breaks exception above here: public virtual objectresult<testy_result> testy() { return ((iobjectcontextadapter)this).objectcontext.executefunction<testy_result>("testy"); } and there no error when set result string scalar in edit function import window in model designer. i'm calling function this: private entities db = new entities(); var x = db.testy(); is there obvious i'm missing here? there few edmx files in project , others created older version of ef (and use objectcontext). function mapping

Form field not found when executing feature file in Behat with Selenium -

i'm running behat feature file try select option in form field when select "lisa hayes" "settings_custom[counselor][]" where "lisa hayes" 1 of values in form name "settings_custom[counselor][]". element details follows: <select id="settings_customcounselor" name="settings_custom[counselor][]" multiple="multiple" size="4" class="valid"> <option value="" selected="">(does not matter)</option> <option value="685572">lisa hayes</option> <option value="685573">ricky hunter</option> <option value="685574">max sterling</option></select> i error when execute feature file on command line form field id|name|label|value "settings_custom[counselor][]" not found. my default driver selenium2 (i have selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar server running in background , br

arrays - Positioning a movieclip onto another movieclip 2 -

i'm creating game if hit zombie zombie dies , head sent in direction hit. playing baseball zombies head head being ball. have 2 movieclips zombie , zombie head. once zombie hit play dying animation , remove , @ same time zombie head added x , y co-ordinates of dying zombie , blown playing baseball. have done code hittest , zombie dying , respawning can't seem position , add head dying zombie when hit. have done function zombie head how can add zombie. thought this, added in playdeathanimation function in zombie class did not work: for (var i=0; < movieclip(parent).zombies.length; ++i) { var zh = new zombiehead(); zh.x = movieclip(parent).zombies[i].x; zh.y = movieclip(parent).zombies[i].y; zh.rotation = movieclip(parent).zombies[i].rotation; addchild(zh); } i tried this. head spawn stays static , not fly , removes when zombie removes don't wan't. have told zombiehead when remove in own class var zh = new zombiehead(); addch

displaying image with imshow in python -

i construct image follows import numpy im = numpy.zeros((100,100,3)) im[:,:,0] = rdata im[:,:,1] = gdata im[:,:,2] = bdata when show data using imshow follows imshow(im) it not display correct result. but if following scipy.misc.imsave("temp.png",im) nimg = scipy.misc.imread("temp.png") imshow(nimg) the image displayed correctly. i not sure issue, there type problem, data mean normalized. thanks

How can I do summation fields of soap web service in ios? -

i want summation fields of web service. i have 4 show me fields of soap web 3 labels ok dont know how collect total ?? label1(amountx)=100,label2(amounty)=200,label3(amountz)=300,total(amountx+amounty+amountz) = (it must 600) didstart -(void)parser:(nsxmlparser *)parser didstartelement:(nsstring *)elementname namespaceuri: (nsstring *)namespaceuri qualifiedname:(nsstring *)qname attributes:(nsdictionary *)attributedict{ if ( [elementname isequaltostring:@"amountx"] ) { if (!soapresults) { soapresults = [[nsmutablestring alloc] init]; } recordresults = yes; } if ( [elementname isequaltostring:@"amounty"] ) { if (!soapresults) { soapresults = [[nsmutablestring alloc] init]; } recordresults = yes; } if ( [elementname isequaltostring:@"amountz"] ) { if (!soapresults) { soapresults = [[nsmutablestring alloc] init]; } recordresults = yes; } if ( [elementname isequal

cordova - PhoneGap Veriables No Passing -

i writing app in phone gap cannot variables pass script using ajax post. ajax post works fine when submit “lon=51.02&lat=0.00&ap=1539”. when try , add phone gap variables “lon=” + pglon + “&lat=”+ pglat + “&ap=1539” cannot submit. any on doing wrong great. thank  function onsuccess(position) { var div = document.getelementbyid('mydiv'); div.innerhtml = 'latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude + '<br/>' + 'longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude + '<br/>' + 'altitude: ' + position.coords.altitude + '<br/>' + 'accuracy: ' + position.coords.accuracy + '<br/>' + 'altitude accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeaccuracy + '<br/>' + 'heading: ' + position.coords.heading

pdf - Determing unsupported image formats for PDFBox -

i have spent few hours trolling through mailing lists , bug tracker pdfbox( ), , trying determine decide supported /unsupported image format, , how test format when being used can verify if there issue underlying document format when comparing scans customer documents have attempted extract images from. i found jbig2 compression format not supported via few tickets submitted via bug tracker ( ), struggling determine other types of images potentially cause issues. i checked faqs , documentation , don't see lists regarding information. any appreciated!

Facebook iOS SDK 3.5.1 Friend Request Dialog crashed on close -

i have ios app uses facebook sdk. upgraded 3.2 3.5.1 in part allow me use frictionless friend requests. process works fine with: nsmutabledictionary* params = [nsmutabledictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:nil]; [fbwebdialogs presentrequestsdialogmodallywithsession:[fbsession activesession] message:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"i posted action - give me points!"] title:@"get points friends" parameters:params handler:^(fbwebdialogresult result, nsurl *resulturl, nserror *error) { if (error) { // case a: error launching dialog or sending request. nslog(@"error sending request.");

javascript - KnockoutJS checked binding issue -

i relatively new knockoutjs, seem having problem observablearray of checkboxes, checkboxes have observable properties checked, , disabled. using knockout can check , uncheck box, seems once interact checkbox manually (ie clicking mouse) underlying data seems changing can't use knockout check or uncheck box anymore. html <div id="filterbyprice" data-bind="foreach: pricefilters"> <div> <input type="checkbox" data-bind="attr: {id: $index, value: value, checked: checked, disable: disabled}" /> <span data-bind="text: label"></span> </div> </div> javascript function filterby(name, value, label) { = name; this.value = value; this.label = label; this.disabled = ko.observable(false); this.checked = ko.observable(false); } $(function () { var viewmodel = { pricefilters: ko.observablearray([ new filterby("pric

How can I get the SVN log entry in Jenkins when sending email -

i'm trying create automated build @ work using jenkins. we're using svn version control. when build successful send email team saying... person x has committed following changes. how can include committers name , last svn log entry in body of email? i'm using jenking email-ext plugin. thanks! subject line: to display committer(s) of last build, can put following subject line anywhere want. note if multiple people have committed since last build, multiple names shown, hence (space) in "%a " . ${changes, format="%a "}has/have committed following changes or display list of culprits broke build build broken ${changes_since_last_success, reverse=true, format="%c", changesformat="%a "} unfortunately, if culprit's name appears several times in commit messages, appear several times in subject too. svn log in email to svn log email, use following: ${changes_since_last_success, reverse=true, format=&

python - I want to save my parsed HTML file into TXT file -

i've parsed web page showing article. want save parsed data text file, python shell shows error this: unicodeencodeerror: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2019' in position 107: ordinal not in range(128) and here part of code search_result = urllib.urlopen(url) f = #xml parsing parsedresult = xml.dom.minidom.parsestring(f) linklist = parsedresult.getelementsbytagname('link') #extracting links extractedurl = linklist[3].firstchild.nodevalue #pick 1 link page = urllib.urlopen(extractedurl).read() #making html file g= open('yyyy.html', 'w') g.write(page) g.close() #reading html file , parsing html pure text of article g= open('yyyy.html', 'r') bs = beautifulsoup(g,fromencoding="utf-8") g.close() article = bs.find(id="articlebody") content = article.get_text() #save text file h= open('yyyy.txt', 'w') h.write(content) h.close() what should add make wo

How to use timer in c++ CodeBlock -

k, hello trying make :"write program message on computer screen show how time remains before lesson end: if end of lesson there more 30 minutes printed report something...", tried: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int starttime = 1, endtime; endtime = 30 * 3600; clock_t start = clock(); cout<<"time: "<< start <<'\n'; if (start >= 7200) { // } else if (start == endtime) { // } } i want show time if time == number something. tried sleep(); reason got error in codeblock. i got "sleep not declared in scope." try including library has it... if you're in unix, #include <unistd.h> . if windows, #include <windows.h> , use sleep() instead.

ruby - How to serve static files with capybara and cucumber -

i want run acceptance tests rss feed reader , need url atom or rss feed. ive got small file contains sample atom/rss , want access locally running webserver. basically want add feed url input field: http://localhost:8080/feed1.atom.xml how serve example file under url? maybe static file server, e.g. python 1 nice , fast: → python -m simplehttpserver 8080 serving http on port 8080 ... you need copy file @ feed1.atom.xml @ location start static file server.

Qt nested QGraphicsItem coordinates -

i expect, documentation, snippet mainwindow::mainwindow(qwidget *parent) : qmainwindow(parent) { qgraphicsview *v = new qgraphicsview(new qgraphicsscene); setcentralwidget(v); qgraphicsrectitem *r1 = v->scene()->addrect(qrectf(100,100, 200,200), qpen(), qbrush(qt::red)); qgraphicsrectitem *r2 = new qgraphicsrectitem(r1); r2->setrect(qrectf(10,10, 50,50)); r2->setbrush(qbrush(qt::blue)); } would draw blue rect inside red one, instead here result: do miss ? do miss something? yes. calling setrect() on qgraphicsrectitem not change pos() , changes position of rectangle draws, item's position unchanged. thus, r1 has pos of (0, 0), rectangle drawn @ (100, 100) offset pos() . to avoid confusion, it's easier leave rect @ (0, 0) , call setpos() on qgraphicsrectitem move want it.

Custom Like using Facebook C# API -

i'm using facebook c# api , want create custom "like" action, allowing user objects outside of facebook. the user allowed "like" custom object, apple or book, , app has post information in user timeline. i've tried dynamic res ="me/og.likes", new { message = "my first post using facebook sdk .net" }); but gives me following facebookapiexception exception (exception - #1611072) action you're trying publish invalid because not specify reference objects. @ least 1 of following properties must specified: object. but if try dynamic res ="me/og.likes", new { object="" }); it doesn't compile, since object reserved word on c#. what should do? possible? try escape using @: dynamic res ="me/og

Knockout.js Binding Click event to virtual elements -

i know how bind anchor element click event. unsure how when anchor elements being loaded in via html binding event. here code: <a href='/my_page' data-bind="click:$root.loadpage">click here load</a> ** anchor element serves html server. within served html, have anchor elements want bind similar function. doing not working. here knockout code "loadpage" this.loadpage = function(data,object) { self.showloadingindicator(); $.get(, function(response) { self.pagedata(response.html); }, 'json'); } ** have observable setup called "pagedata" serves html content page. my problem is: in "served" html, have the same click binding set on of html objects here, don't fire event... any solutions? thanks in advance! rob when call applybindings, affects things on page - not affect loaded later. however, can call applybindings again on new chunk of marku

deployment - How to restart java web start application programatically -

i trying achieve automatic update java web-start applicaiton. logic: fetching jnlp file server , comparing timestamp current one. if there difference download latest file , restart application javaws command. have 2 problems. 1. not able fetch local jnlp file (because location jnlp file different different operating system mentioned here 2. not able find graceful way restart application after killing current running application. appreciate if there other graceful solution available. my code: import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.joptionpane; import org.apache.log4j.logger; import; /** * qitupdater . java * * @info checks updates jws application * * program try use given url connect online check *

How to test an AngularJS/SocketStream/Node.js app using Karma -

i working on angularjs application delivered socketstream/node.js server. have angularjs service calls api functions on socketstream server , progress has been far. but time has come start writing first tests , first testing framework came mind karma/jasmine, since recommend angularjs set up. so far good, since angularjs modules imported using 'require' (socketstream's version, not require.js) , server api calls part of test, need configure karma load socketstream (at least client side). i took @ ' ' when run example run time errors, possibly because have later versions of variuous dependencies installed. i managed 'required' resolved packing socketstream app adding 'ss.client.packassets()' app.js , run 'ss_pack=1 node app.js', when start karma logs error message saying: 'chrome 23.0 (linux) error uncaught typeerror: undefined not function @ /the

Call a C++ DLL from a C# application -

i'm trying integrate c++ dll our c# application, i'm not able identify what's correct way call 1 of methods. in 2 different places of documentation method definition not equal: imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(unsigned char *ptrcodeline,int* ilength) imageandscanerror winapi getmicrinfo(char* cmicrinfo,int* iinfolength); /* imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(unsigned char *ptrcodeline,int* ilength) parameters: ptrcodeline: pointer output buffer receive code line read micr algorithm. ptrcodeline should allocate room 96 characters. ilength: number of characters contained in code line function: read micr line on check. function must called after startscan . returns: errornone returned upon success. otherwise, enum imageandscanerror value indicates reason failure returned. */ this how i'm including dll method [dllimport("scandll.dll", callingconvention = callingconvention.winapi)] and combinations i've made far public static extern imageand

activeadmin - Active Admin: how to set filter label dynamically -

i tried this: filter :something, :label => lambda{ condition?(current_active_admin_user) ? "option1" : "option2" } but not work. same lambda code works menu. try if current_active_admin_user filter :something, :label => "option1" else filter :something, :label => "option2" end good luck.

typescript - How to access class variable inside of jquery event? -

if i'm inside jquery event, i'm not sure how can access class variables. example below /// <reference path="../typings/jquery/jquery.d.ts" /> export class notes { // want access inside of click event test = "test"; foo() { //works here alert(this.test); $("#testdiv").click(function () { // context of changes no longer works alert(this.test); //how access test varible in here? }) } } if use lambda expression, binds this enclosing scope's this . export class notes { private test: string = "test"; foo() { //works here alert(this.test); $("#testdiv").click(() => { alert(this.test); }) } } is translated into var notes = (function () { function notes() { this.test = "test"; } = function () { var

android - Multiple custom fonts for multiple textview -

one of app activity include many textview want set multiple custom font textviews, i tried below code doesn't work customize textview , any appreciated public class text extends activity { /** called when activity first created. */ @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); textview tv2=(textview)findviewbyid(; tv2.settext(html.fromhtml(getstring(r.string.text_2))); textview tv3=(textview)findviewbyid(; tv3.settext(html.fromhtml(getstring(r.string.text_3))); textview tv4=(textview)findviewbyid(; tv4.settext(html.fromhtml(getstring(r.string.text_4))); textview tv5=(textview)findviewbyid(; tv5.settext(html.fromhtml(getstring(r.string.text_5))); } class mytextview extends textview { private string textview; public mytextview(con

java - SLURM - OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded -

i have submitted sbatch job slurm. #!/bin/bash #sbatch --job-name=freset_weighting #sbatch --output=freset.out #sbatch --error=freset.err #sbatch --time=120:00:00 #sbatch --mem=32769 #sbatch --mail-type=begin #sbatch --mail-type=end java -jar ~/freset/freset_0.1.jar -xx:-usegcoverheadlimit -xmx32g the job stops following error: exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method) @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( @ org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.jarrsrcloader.main( caused by: java.lang.outofmemoryerror: gc overhead limit exceeded @ java.util.regex.matcher.<init>( @ java.util.regex.pattern.matcher( @ java

c++ - Player stage commands -

i writing algorithm frontier based exploration in c++ using player stage simulation 2.0 , stuck on specific part. understanding laserproxy provides 180 degree scan of environment in front of robot. have loop iterates through 180 beams of robot, , analyzes each one. for (int = 0; < lp->getcount(); i++) { lp pointer laserproxy. checked reference manual laserproxy , getcount() suppose return number of points in scan. assumed 180 since thats how many beams being projected robot not case, getcount() 0, other times 90, , other values. can explain why so? thank this question requires @ code. implementing laser scanner in open-source robot simulator. what's easy cast rays , calculate intersection. lines not need intersect. hence, might understandable when not intersect there no point (of intersection) returned @ all. files have at: $ grep -lr scan_count . | grep drivers ./server/drivers/laser/ ./server/drivers/laser/ ./server/drivers/

How to add and remove text to a string using jQuery -

i have web form hidden input field follows: <input id="requiredfields" name="requiredfields" type="hidden" value="firstname,lastname,email,phone"> i want add , remove " ,location " based on condition using jquery follows: $('input[name="locationstatus"]:radio').on("change", function() { if ($('input[name="locationstatus"]:radio:checked').val() == 'yes') { /* need syntax append text ',location' #requiredfields string */ } else { /* need syntax remove text ',location' #requiredfields string */ } }); thanks using jquery's .val() update value of requiredfields $('input[name="locationstatus"]:radio').on("change", function() { if ($('input[name="locationstatus"]:radio:checked').val() == 'yes') { $('#requiredfields').val($('#required

java - How to disable Auto re-sizing of JPanel? -

hye i'm working on java j2se (test,just knowledge) app. here i'm doing wan add 5 sub panels main panel. assign them different colors them after have assign jlabel images of colorful boxes them. using random class have randomly set visible jlabels images in sub panels. the problem! problem sub panels automatically re sized whenever add jlabel image in them. how can overcome this? have searched lot failed know how solve problem! what have been trying! have using different layout manager not success! my code import java.util.random; import java.util.logging.level; import java.util.logging.logger; import javax.swing.jlabel; public class panelmovement extends javax.swing.jframe { public panelmovement() { initcomponents(); thread t=new thread(new runthread()); t.start(); a.setvisible(false); b.setvisible(false); c.setvisible(false); d.setvisible(false); e.setvisible(

C# between two dates search -

i have data (access) , using datetimepicker. have thousand datas name: birthday: aaaa 05.02.2000 bbbb 01.08.1995 cccc 04.07.1995 dddd 05.07.1995 i use 2 datetimepicker , button, datetimepicker2 first time, datetimepicker3 last time , click filter button. want show me datagridview on forexample 01.01.1995 - 01.12.1995 born list i used code: private void btnfiltre_click(object sender, eventargs e) { table.clear(); oledbdataadapter adtr = new oledbdataadapter("select * data date between'" + datetimepicker2.text + "' , '" + datetimepicker3.text + "'", cnn); adtr.fill(table); datagridview1.datasource = table; } but take warning. what can it? many details missing, but, usual: not use string concatenation build sql commands. use parametrized query this private void btnfiltre_click(object sender, eventargs e) { table.clear();

swing - Java - OOP and MVC -

i trying understand how can implement mvc java application, read couple of tutorials , mvc hello worlds, still not sure many things, glad if me understand this. let's have simple gui application, used storing , working various buildings. can add building chosing type list , pressing button. these buldings stored in arraylist, displayed in gui , editable (number of rooms, number of floors ..... not important). buildings displayed in jcombobox , after choosing building, setting panel building appear. so far have 2 "components". buildings (container) , building . have created buildingsmodel class, holds buildings, has methods work them , notifies observers after change. have buildingsview class, observing buildingsmodel. have buldingscontroller class constructor method, takes buildingsmodel , buildingsview parameters, binds view model observer, create initial buildings , add listeners view. now don't know how continue. there few things not happy about. i