scala - What is the future of playframework 2 in terms of web-templating and MV* -

i have heard play framework 2 go use spray instead of netty. spray believes

"the recent trend of moving web application logic more , more away server , (js-based) browser client increasing availability of sbt-plugins things spray not provide (like view-templating or less- , coffeescript-support) "

does mean playframework using javascript mv* default instead of scala template?

the philosophic point of scala - provide scalable (unique) language big range of use-cases - web-services, logic, web. web goes close javascript , html , frameworks around it.

people tend save processors time (money) on cloud boxes, , choose use client-side computation vs server side, when it's possible.

that's background of question - play framework goes it?

should use scala compile javascript (for example)?


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