Mockito for Objects in Scala -

i'm using scala 2.10, specs2 , mockito. want mock issue seems fromurl() function in io.source's object.

val m = mock[io.source] m.fromurl returns io.source.fromstring("some random string.") 

it's pretty straightforward mock in unit test. why isn't working?


instead of mocking it, try spying follows:

val m = spy(io.source) 

or mock follows:

val m = mock[io.source.type] 

but how using source in class testing? if had example class so:

class myclass{    def foo = {     io.source.dosomething //i know dosomething not on source, call not important   } } 

then in order take advantage of mocking/spying, you'd have structure class so:

class myclass{   val source = io.source   def foo = {     source.dosomething   } } 

and test have this:

val mocksource = mock[io.source.type] val totest = new myclass{   override val source = mocksource } 

in java world, static methods bane of mocking. in scala world, calls objects can troublesome deal unit tests. if follow code above, should able mock out object based dependency in class.


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