git and maven and releases and merges -

the maven release plugin proceeds follows:

  1. change version in pom files.
  2. commit
  3. make tag
  4. change version in pom files again.
  5. commit

(and checks out tag , builds release).

so, merge branch on happens pull new, perhaps undesired, version #. now, of course, cherry-pick exists, manually identifying commit list upstream changes except change versions pretty annoying. has got alternative? (other release branch no 1 treating 'upstream'?)

unfortunately, not possible when using git because tag pointer specific commit. if want have correct version number in tagged poms, have modify , commit them first. there option called suppresscommitbeforetag in maven-release-plugin avoids commits of modified poms. however, work in scms subversion. if enable option in git environment, tagged poms contain snapshot version tried make release.

so making release separate branch option if don't want have intermediate pom modifications on master branch.


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