TFS mapping the same for an entire development team -

we're using tfs our source control , we're facing following problem. has mapped projects differently. causing builds break(as person1 has project/file references different person2). pass around piece of paper mapping printed out, , seems bit antiquated.

so question(s) is:

where vs store mappings each user?

is there way enforce have same mappings(or pass out file map same)?

the mappings stored in tfs , on client, they're not 'enforceable'. can create workspacetemplate. option available command line (by default). see tf.exe workspace /new /template.

but team foundation power tools add feature team utilities page of team explorer: team utilities

then can instruct team members use workspacetemplate when setting workspaces.

you can copy/paste workspace definition notepad , copy/paste visual studio (quite nifty).

you create small workspace analyzer find broken workspaces. tfs object model can used query workspaces stored on tfs server.


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