osx mountain lion - Won't save changes to an EKEvent that has recurrenceRules -

the following code works non-recurring events, changes startdate , enddate saved fine.

bool success = [theeventstore saveevent:event                                    span:ekspanfutureevents                                  commit:yes error:&error]; 

but whenever try edit event has recurrancerules, returns success == yes, nothing saved, , changes startdate/enddate or recurrancerules reverted original values. (using span:ekspanthisevent works, of course not want do. also, code works on ios, not on osx.)

eventwithidentifier returns first occurrence of recurring event. when change on event ekspanfutureevents, change occurrences. eventsmatchingpredicate returns every event occurrence matches predicate. ekspanfutureevents change each occurrence occurrence used. if event detached doesn't matter, if take ekspanthisevent or ekspanfutureevents. don't code supposed do.


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