javascript - Google Chrome Extension and NPAPI/FireBreath embed webpages -

i developing project intend open multiple webpages in same 1 not using <iframe>. have tried in past using <iframes> end browser ui locking webpage, have been trying find alternatives.

i developed small google chrome extension instead having opening webpages, open in position want , works fine, wouldn't want ui around them title bar , buttons sort of 'fullscreen' dimensions defined.{ url: app.src, left: wleft, top: wtop, width: wwidth, height: wheight, focused: false, type: "popup" }, function(tab) {     self.windowid =;     console.log('window id is: ' + self.windowid);     //, { focused: true, state: "maximized" }) }); 

while looking chrome extension api read npapi , little more research have found firebreath. since have never did have doubts if there way or possibility, developing plugin npapi/firebreath 1 of following:

  1. when opening window chrome extension, somehow remove ui it?
  2. with development of plugin , having index.html 3 <object id="plugin"...> instead of <iframe>, , inside 3 object embed on index, make them open webpages url define , make change url after x time set on javascript?

this assumptions, idk if saying stupid regarding possibility npapi or if should somewhere else.

thanks in advance.

basically answer no, can't of that.

to more accurate, however, can #2 it's huge amount of work , may not work how expect. way load html page inside npapi plugin embed web browser of sort plugin; firebreath has undocumented library called webview you, uses ie engine on windows , on mac uses lot of hacks make work end working correctly in cases.

your #1 can't done in consistent or reliable; npapi plugins know nothing browser itself, page. might possible using windows apis hack browser window , change things fragile , implementation specific version of chrome; if changed later it'd break.


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