c# - asp:Button not responding to clicks with OnClick -

i seem having problem button's onclick, doesn't react @ event. responds onclientclick , executes code, when try relate o function in .aspx.cs class ignores it, , should executing simple code (writing output debug)

i've checked every other stackoverflow post find , no 1 had same issue.

i know index.aspx executing code inside index.aspx.cs because page_load function outputting debug window, that's not problem.

here's important code:

    <asp:button id="btncreateorder" runat="server" text="create order" onclick="btnclick" />      protected void btnclick(object sender, eventargs e)     {          system.diagnostics.debug.write("testing3");      } 

like said page_load function working fine it's not issue of them not being connected.

different problem if feel inclined:

while you're reading, have problem of not being able find objects html in cs file.

what mean is, if reference label:

    <asp:label id="testlabel" runat="server" text="test"></asp:label> 

by saying

    testlabel = "test2"; 

i error "the name 'testlabel not exist in current context"

and if try reference saying this:

    index.testlabel = "test2"; 

i "'myproject.views.home.index' not contain definition 'testlabel'" though does.

maybe .designer file bad.

try this: delete .designer.cs file of .aspx page, right-click on , select 'convert web application' option.

edit: button event, how did generate method stub click event? did click button on designer view twice , visual studio generated id or did handcoded it?

try delete both button , button click event, , when declare button again, double click on designer view.


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