vba - Send two different mails when a cell reaches two different values (right) -

i'm developing program automatically send 2 different e-mail messages when cells in range reach 2 different values (1 or 2).

the code i'm using consists of:
a) private sub worksheet_calculate()
b) sub mail_with_outlook1()

sub code sub mail_with_outlook1 () sends 1 e-mail message text type content 1, 1 corresponding address registered in range of cells in column "af".

this happens when value of corresponding cell of range "ae10: ae45" equal “1” (see mylimit = 1).

i send second specific e-mail message text type content 2, 1 of corresponding addresses described in same range of column "af", when value of cell of same range "ae10: ae45" equal "2" (mylimit = 2).

private sub worksheet_calculate() dim formularange range dim notsentmsg string dim mymsg string dim sentmsg string dim mylimit double  mylimit = 1  set formularange = me.range("ae10:ae104")  on error goto endmacro: each formulacell in formularange.cells     formulacell         if isnumeric(.value) = false             mymsg = "non numerico"         else             if .value = mylimit                 mymsg = sentmsg                  if .offset(0, 4).value = notsentmsg                     call mail_with_outlook1                 end if             else                 mymsg = notsentmsg             end if         end if         application.enableevents = false         .offset(0, 4).value = mymsg         application.enableevents = true     end next formulacell  exitmacro: exit sub  endmacro: application.enableevents = true  msgbox "si รจ manifestato un errore." _      & vblf & err.number _      & vblf & err.description  end sub 

sub mail_with_outlook1()  dim outapp object dim outmail object dim strto string, strcc string, strbcc string dim strsub string, strbody string  set outapp = createobject("outlook.application") set outmail = outapp.createitem(0)  strto = cells(formulacell.row, "af").value strcc = cells(formulacell.row, "ag").value strbcc = "" strsub = "my filename" strbody = "hello i0m frank .... eccc"  outmail     .to = strto     .cc = strcc     .bcc = strbcc     .subject = strsub     .body = strbody     .importance = 2     .display end  set outmail = nothing set outapp = nothing end sub 


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