actionscript 3 - Adobe Air - Starling/Feathers - Text Input without OS level hooks (aka StageText)? -

long story short, seem running unpredictable stagetext functionality in adobe air applications. want avoid triggering os native input fields , emulate functionality in feathers/actionscript component directly.

i've incorporated on-screen keyboard purely in feathers , implemented button subclass acts basic text input. when user clicks button, on-screen keyboard displayed , hardware keyboard keyup's intercepted , used dynamically update button label attribute.

that works enough, of course have no flashing cursor or text selectability in current rudimentary widget. can continue along current path , manually implement rest of need, wanted ask if has seen or implemented 'native acting' non-native text input widget in feathers/starling/actionscript tech stack? (google seems no, i'm hoping that's wrong. surely i'm not 1 thinks air's stagetext is... troublesome... @ best)

i changed rudimentary widget button subclass textinput editor factory returning custom flash.text.textfield has it's softkeyboardevent.soft_keyboard_activating being nixed via preventdefault().

i have of wanted basic text input functionality in have text widget can click in , select text , have simple cursor functionality missing. still prevents flaky native-softkeyboard interaction think might suffice.


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