ajax - Liferay portlet issue with Richfaces 4.2 and PortletBridge 3.1 -

we have application numerous portlets liferay 6.0.6 using jsf1.2 richfaces 3.3.3.final , portletbridge 2.1.1 , working fine. decided upgrade our stuff jsf2 richfaces 4.2.3.final , portletbridge 3.1.2. seemed fine until tried use ajax-enabled command buttons (a4j:commandbutton or h:commandbutton f:ajax) navigation: in case portlet navigation whole liferay screen disappears , jsf components remain on screen. if try use navigation again, it'll fail (after 1-3 tries) exception:

[#|2013-05-08t14:15:33.104+0200|severe|glassfish3.0.1|com.sun.grizzly.config.grizzlyservicelistener|_threadid=26;_threadname=thread-1;|unblocking keep-alive exception java.lang.illegalargumentexception: request header large 

it logs interesting things this:

[#|2013-05-08t14:11:42.203+0200|info|glassfish3.0.1|javax.enterprise.system.std.com.sun.enterprise.v3.services.impl|_threadid=26;_threadname=thread-1;|unable find component clientid 'pb_richtest_war_richtest_instance_hlc1__j_id1:j_id2', no need remove it.|#] 

update: after digging realized it's quite bad practice use ajax navigation (even if worked jsf1.2 , richfaces 3.3), changed our templates avoid everywhere. , changed jboss porletbridge liferay's own faces bridge , seems work fine. exceptions above gone , navigation works should.

if using liferay 6.0.6, need use liferay faces 3.0.x, not 3.1.x. more info, see liferay faces version scheme wiki article.


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