video streaming - FFmpeg: Generating .ts files and adding Metadata to them -

before following steps:

  1. create metadata:

    id3taggenerator -o 1.id3 -artist "emma stone" id3taggenerator -o 2.id3 -artist "patricia clarkson" 
  2. create file saying place metadata in file:

    68 id3 /path/to/file/1.id3 78 id3 /path/to/file/2.id3 
  3. segment files , include metadata

    mediafilesegmenter -f video -m meta.txt video.mp4 

more detail:

i want similar this, ffmpeg.

i wondering if first segment file .ts files , add metadata directly those?

i having trouble finding solution on website. or resources great. thanks!

you can use -metadata flag

ffmpeg -i maida.mp2 \   -metadata title='obelisk' \   -metadata album='2003-09-03: maida vale, london, uk' \   -metadata artist='the mars volta' \   -metadata label='' \   -metadata date='2003' \   maida.flac 


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