documentation - Continuous user manual generation -

are there solutions existing "continuous documentation", e.g. documentation markup languages , build plugins jenkins/hudson?

i'm not talking generating api description, user manuals screenshots, etc. keeping user manual up-to-date tedious job, thought idea write user manual in markup (xml) , have transformed html , pdf during build process.

this quite straightforward implement, wondering if there solutions or best practices existing, e.g. sphinx, maybe in javas i'm not allowed use python.

unfortunately there not many choices in pure java world:

  • for simple manuals use markdown , java implementation f.ex. pegdown; works simple html manuals pdf generation difficult.
  • if have sphinx-documentation use restructuredtext-java implementation jrst (not powerfull sphinx) or run sphinx jpython...
  • the best solution in opinion write document in asciidoc. since few weeks there exists a java-wrapper (which use jruby) ruby port named asciidoctor.

    the asciidoc language powerful , it's easy produce docbook asciidoc. docbook there exists lot (sometimes hidden...) java-tools.


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