c# - Multi-Tenant Architecture for MVC 4 -

i need create/publish complex mvc site several clients, each shared functionality custom stuff, such client specific controllers / views / business logic etc. insist on hosting site themselves, , have functionality don't want others know about.

following reading this post , this, i've created means mvc multi-tenancy, seems handle scenarios.

as can't attach stack overflow, have posted here (no need read - it's screenshots!).

the basis have generic project, referenced several client projects. client project can have similar structure generic , take precedence when wish use overriding code/controls/views.

as it's foundation of whole thing, don’t want implement find else in easier/ better way.

my question bit wooly, simple - there better way?

your architecture seems right. have careful generic thing , how client's addons talk core application.

i having base project in cvs client's specific branchs referencing (as in git submodule) can beenfit core.

rolling out production , qa versions must dealt caution can end different version far each other depending on client.


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