canvas - jQuery AwesomeCloud tag links -

i using jquery plugin awesomecloud generate nice looking tag clouds.

so have tagcloud full of words, based on movie genre's.

here demo page:

i want make word's clickable, go search page, search movies have genre in them.

the canvas generated dynamically, using php generate html this.

<span id="genre" data-weight="3">action</span> 

as awesomecloud plugin script runs, converts spans display:none, , generates canvas.

since clicking upon dynamically generated canvas, not able far, generate click event, , therefore current word value.

any suggestions or tips?

thank kindly time.

you can use fork:

they've added functionality.

you have change this:

<span data-weight="18">google</span> 

for this:

<span data-weight="18"><a href="">google</a></span> 


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