wpf - TextBlock Text Binding an ObservableCollection.Count property -

i have observablecollection<sportisti> starts out 0 elements (but initialized new object @ creation of window). wanted bind count property textbox. unfortunately, causes application crash whenever try open window in question.

now, since have listview on same page, showing elements of collection in question, thought extract number of rows there, lead crash.

<textbox text="{binding elementname=lvtabela, path=items.count}"          grid.row="4" grid.column="1" margin="0,3,60,3"          dockpanel.dock="top" isreadonly="true" /> 

note in .xaml file can see content of textbox 0.

any idea why happening?

my mistake, forgot add mode=oneway binding. problem that, though textbox wasn't editable, system recognized potential way of changing listview.itemcount attribute, read-only.


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