AngularJS: Why do custom directives default to being attribute-only? - has great explanation of directive restrictions in angularjs. custom directive can defined follows:

angular.module("app", []).directive("blah", function () {     return {         restrict: "a",         template: "blah directive. nothing see here."     }; }); 

this creates call attribute directive (due restrict: "a") purposes of asking question. angular's default restriction on custom directive, , directive can used like:

<div blah>   <!-- content of directive --> </div> 

when want create custom directive, however, go element directive, like:

<blah>   <!-- content of directive --> </blah> 

how former attribute directive better latter element directive , why chosen default?

this opinion, only:

there 3 possible ways define directive in html - attributes, elements , classes. classes lax , confusing, , best practice separate logic style. element directives strict - can have 1 "element" directive in dom element. makes them special right start.

an attribute seems best middle ground between these 2 extremes - clear, allows multiple directives in element (if following egghead's videos, superhero example on "directive directive communication" shows kind of "directive hierarchy", elements superseding attributes. also, , important of times (i program intranet apps, me isn't) attributes allow angularjs templates valid html.

edit - 2 cents be doesn't matter - in real scenario, bad idea trust "default" configuration of primary restrict option - setting explicitly makes clear, no doubt directives (especially working in team projects, anytime, really)


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