.net - How can I use VB.Net extension methods in a C# project -

i have legacy vb.net class library includes extension methods, 1 of this:

namespace extensions     public module ormextensions          <extension()>         public function todomainobjectcollection(byref objects ormcollection(of ormobject)) domainobjectcollection             return objects.asqueryable().todomainobjectcollection()         end function          <extension()>         public function todomainobjectcollection(byref objects iqueryable(of ormobject)) domainobjectcollection             dim doc new domainobjectcollection()             each o in objects                 doc.add(o.todomainobject())             next             return doc         end function     end module end namespace 

to use these extensions in vb have import extensions.ormextensions. have project, in c# depends on vb 1 extensions , can't them work. ormextensions isn't available , using namespace vbproject.extensions doesn't make extensions available.

there multiple projects depend on vb project , ideally extensions should available of them.

i've done fair bit of googling haven't been able turn using vb extension methods in c#. assume issue they're required in module, haven't been able confirm that.

i'd rather not duplicate extension methods everywhere they're required(especially in our unit test project, in c#).

you should not using byref.

vb.net (apparently) supports extension methods on ref parameters; c# (rightfully) not.

a byref (ref in c#) parameter allows method assign new instance variable or field passed caller.
should used.


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