jquery - Spring @MVC and the @RequestBody annotation with x-www-form-urlencoded data? -

i trying figure out why can't receive request jquery.ajax call when spring @controller handler method includes @requestbody annotation. consider following:


<form id="foo" action="/baz">   <input name="bar"> </form>  <script>   $(function() {     var $fooform = $('#foo');      $fooform.on('submit', function(evt) {       evt.preventdefault();        $.ajax({         url: $fooform.action,         data: $fooform.serialize(),         datatype: 'json',         type: 'post',         success: function(data) { console.log(data); }       });     });   }); </script> 


@requestmapping(   value = "/baz",   method = requestmethod.post,   consumes = mediatype.application_form_urlencoded_value,   produces = mediattype.application_json_value ) public @responsebody searchresults[] jqueryposthandler(   @requestbody formdataobject formdata) {   return this.searchservice.find(formdata); } 

the above fail @requestbody annotation present , return 415 error (no exception generated). if @requestbody annotation removed (i.e. parameter signature formdataobject formdata) method called , json returned javascript.

why case? post request includes data in body of request. shouldn't annotation process such request?

i realize change content type sent javascript application/json , consumes property mediatype.application_json_value make annotation work correctly. why doesn't work normal form request?

note: using spring 3.1.4.

have tried turning logging on 'org.springframework.web' find out reason returned status code? there should exception raised , logged before it's translated 415.

also if sending form data, why not leave out @requestbody. you'll use data binding (i.e. @modelattribute) apply servlet request parameters object fields. preferable using formhttpmessageconverter.


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