c# - How can the html encoding for a text box be disabled? -

i have troubles text box input control value on ascx page. it's value somehow html encoded, , don't know how can disabled. example when value contains < character converted &lt;. strange thing is, happens on fields name.lastname (which have child property). first thought caused html extension method

html.textboxfor(m => m.name.lastname, new { maxlength = "100" })  

but not case, because when use html input directly, it's value still encoded:

<input id="name_lastname" maxlength="100"         name="name.lastname"         type="text" value="<%= model.name.lastname %>" /> 

does know how html encoding of text box values fields name.lastname (with child property) can disabled?

after more research found out caused javascript function variables initialized using <%:, , function used initialize text boxes. in end had nothing child properties. changed <%: <%= in javascript part:

var lastname = "<%: model.name.lastname %>";


var lastname = "<%= model.name.lastname %>";


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