php - load only metadata from html5 video/audio -

at first, i'd ask question. can not load metadata without other video content. preload = "metadata" not working. test on win chrome , don't know how works on safari/ff/ie/opera. can't load 6 , more video clips fast. chrome may keep only 6 opened connections @ similar port/protocol/domain. , if load more 6 videos last videos not start load while first 6 videos fully complete loading.

does jsfiddle need? can create think not necessary. example. html: 10 html5 <video> each around 100mb , preload=metadata attribute. js (using jquery clearness):

$('video').on('loadedmetadata',function(){   console.log(this.duration); }).each(function(i){   this.load(); }); 

then open “network” tab in chrome dev tools , reload page. 6 videos start load , load full content while other 4 videos wait (pending) mark. @ first, in console appear 6 messages. new messages appear after load first videos.

i tried lot of things each 1 has fall. thing getting metadata on server side. there solutions on php maybe? js solution better.

i know solution using youtube, vimeo , other websites. keeping videos on subdomains (,, etc). can not use it. make website template , have requirements.

i have video gallery lot of videos. player must show duration , know width/height before first video play. want take frame middle of video video poster. solution stop video loading , close connection best need. , solve trouble getting metadata indeed.

if want load more 6 videos in chrome, need use .webm format.

note: if have bunch of sources in video tag, so:

<video width="320" height="240" controls autoplay> <source src="vid.webm" type="video/webm"> <source src="vid.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>

i think chrome default mp4 , not webm. you'll have jquery magic working. advice on can seen here.


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