Windows batch - move x amount of folders+content to another folder -

i in process of cleaning , organizing nas folders.

however, have folder on 1800+ folder in it, need have split 18 folders each containing maximum 100 folders. name of folder moved irrelevant, @ top-level should sequential. folder content should moved along.

additionally, need batch file reverses this.

the reason needed due program uses index , organize folders , folder content cannot handle folders more 100 folders.

i tried myself already, ended foobar'ing completely.

something this?

@echo off  set destination=c:\temp\ set source=c:\windows\system32\ set dcount=0 set fcount=0 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  mkdir %destination%dir%dcount%   /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /b /s /a:d "%source%*"') (   set str=%%f   set str=!str:%source%=!   mkdir %destination%dir!dcount!\!str!   copy %%f %destination%dir!dcount!\!str! 1> nul   set /a fcount=!fcount!+1   if !fcount! equ 100 (     set fcount=0     set /a dcount=!dcount!+1     mkdir %destination%dir!dcount!   ) )  echo done. 

obviously source , destination need changed, , there no attempt sanity check or fail gracefully errors...

edit :

the first version recursively descends sub-directories , moves each them new structure--basically destroying internal nesting , organization. second 1 preserves internal structures of subdirectories nested inside of source directory's immediate subdirectories... take pick.

@echo off  set destination=c:\temp\ set source=c:\windows\system32\ set dcount=0 set fcount=0 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  mkdir %destination%dir%dcount%   /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /b /a:d "%source%*"') (   mkdir %destination%dir!dcount!\%%f   xcopy %source%%%f %destination%dir!dcount!\%%f /e /y    set /a fcount=!fcount!+1   if !fcount! equ 100 (     set fcount=0     set /a dcount=!dcount!+1     mkdir %destination%dir!dcount!   ) )  echo done. 


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