html - Chrome Table List rendering bug -

we encountering problem layout of styled unordered list inside of table cell in google chrome. problem not happening in firefox, safari or internet explorer.

the unordered list has styles applied margin-left , text-indent. spans associated each list item set "nowrap" white-space.

when list item text span wide enough reach right-hand edge of cell, can end getting displaced down , text overlap cell border. problem easiest duplicate when changing zoom settings inside chrome, can occur unpredictably when first rendering page or changing window size.

here's link displays html reproduces problem:

here's image of problem: chrome bug

here example html page reproduces problem:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <body> <table border="1">     <tr>         <td>column text left</td>         <td align="left">             <ul style="list-style:disc inside none; margin-left: 2.0em; text-indent: -1.5em;">                 <li><span style="white-space: nowrap">example text fits</span></li>                 <li><span style="white-space: nowrap">example text doesn't fit</span></li>             </ul>         </td>         <td>column text right</td>     </tr> </table> </body> </html> 

i experiencing same problem. i'm using table center left aligned unordered list. there 1 column , 1 row. table element, nor td element have width defined , yet choses not make table wide enough prevent list test wrapping. can specify static width table, bad coding standards , centers text based on statically defined width, not actual text width. fortunatly, text isn't dynamic can use statically defined table width.

the problem not happen in other browser, chrome.


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