html - How do I remove element using .click and .remove in jQuery -

here jsfiddle

and here code.


<h2>todo list</h2> <div id='additem'>     <input type='text' name='additem'/>     <button>add item</button> </div> <div id='todolist'>     <ol>     </ol>    <!-- add item "additem" input field --> </div> 


$(document).ready(function(){     $('button').click(function(){         var item = $('input[name=additem]').val();         $('ol').append('<li>'+ item +' <button id="remove">remove</button></li>');     });     $("#remove").click(function(){        $(this).parent('li').remove();     });     }); 

you need use on() dynamically added elements using event delegation. can delegate event parent element available when bind event using on or can use document otherwise.

$(document).on("click", "#remove", function(){    $(this).parent('li').remove(); }); 

delegated events

delegated events have advantage can process events descendant elements added document @ later time. picking element guaranteed present @ time delegated event handler attached, can use delegated events avoid need attach , remove event handlers. element container element of view in model-view-controller design, reference


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