Universal Image Loader cache -
i'm trying integrate universal image loader android app. has gridview , shows images acquired internet. implemented using arrayadapter loads images in getview() in usual way.
it works in terms of displaying picture correctly. found unexpected behavior in loading images memory cache.
- when activity launched, uil loads image internet or disc cache if exists. (of course, expected behavior.)
- scrolling down gridview until first column go out screen, , scroll top. in time, images @ first column loaded disc cache, instead of memory cache.
- then scrolling down , again. in time, images @ first column loaded memory cache.
i expect images loaded memory cache @ second time of displaying, step 2 in operation above. don't know why disc cache used in case.
here codes.
imageloaderconfiguration mimageloaderconfig = new imageloaderconfiguration.builder(getapplicationcontext()) .defaultdisplayimageoptions(defaultoptions) .enablelogging() .build();
displayimageoptions defaultoptions = new displayimageoptions.builder() .cacheinmemory() .cacheondisc() .showimageforemptyuri(r.drawable.empty_photo) .showstubimage(r.drawable.empty_photo) .displayer(new fadeinbitmapdisplayer(500)) .build();
getview() in arrayadapter
if (convertview == null) { convertview = (framelayout) layoutinflater.from(getcontext()) .inflate(mlayoutid, null); convertview.setlayoutparams(mimageviewlayoutparams); } else { // otherwise re-use converted view convertview.findviewbyid(r.id.videoiconinthumbnail).setvisibility(view.gone); } // check height matches our calculated column width if (convertview.getlayoutparams().height != mitemheight) { convertview.setlayoutparams(mimageviewlayoutparams); } imageview image = (imageview) convertview.findviewbyid(r.id.photothumbnail); imageloader.getinstance().displayimage(thumbnailurl, image, new simpleimageloadinglistener() { @override public void onloadingcomplete(string imageuri, view view, bitmap loadedimage) { log.v(tag, imageuri + " loaded."); } }); return convertview;
layout xml element in gridview
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <framelayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" > <imageview android:id="@+id/photothumbnail" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:scaletype="centercrop" > </imageview> <imageview android:id="@+id/videoiconinthumbnail" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center" android:src="@drawable/ic_play" android:visibility="gone" > </imageview> </framelayout>
version of uil 1.8.4. tested android version 4.1.2.
added log output of uil when image loaded 3 times operation described above.
// fist time of displaying i/imageloader( 7404): start display image task [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_1080x1776] i/imageloader( 7404): load image disc cache [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_1080x1776] i/imageloader( 7404): subsample original image (x192) x192 (scale = 1) [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_1080x1776] i/imageloader( 7404): cache image in memory [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_1080x1776] i/imageloader( 7404): display image in imageview [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_1080x1776] // second time of displaying i/imageloader( 7404): imageloader paused. waiting... [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_358x357] i/imageloader( 7404): start display image task [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_358x357] i/imageloader( 7404): load image disc cache [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_358x357] i/imageloader( 7404): subsample original image (x192) x192 (scale = 1) [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_358x357] i/imageloader( 7404): cache image in memory [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_358x357] i/imageloader( 7404): display image in imageview [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_358x357] // third time of displaying i/imageloader( 7404): load image memory cache [http://xxx/yyy.jpg_358x357]
thank you.
this because of uil's logic.
1) first time (imageloader.displayimage(...)
) size of imageview unknown because haven't drawn yet on screen. uil considers size of imageview full screen size, decodes image bitmap of size (1080x1776, considering aspect ratio) , caches bitmap in memory.
2) second time real size of drawn imageview known (which smaller full screen size) , uil search cached bitmap of appropriate size cache contains previous large bitmap large our needs. uil decodes image again smaller bitmap , cache in memory too.
3) following displays uses cached bitmap of needed size.
so feature of uil. recommend use denycacheimagemultiplesizesinmemory()
in configuration save memory.
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