glob - Perl - A way to get only the first (.txt) filename from another directory without loading them all? -
i have directory holds ~5000 2,400 sized .txt files.
i want 1 filename directory; order not matter.
the file processed , deleted.
this not scripts working directory.
the intention is:
- to open file,
- read it,
- do stuff,
- unlink , then
- loop next file.
my crude attempt not check .txt files , has ~5000 filenames 1 filename. possibly calling many modules?
the verify_empty
sub intended validate there directory , there files in but, attempts failing so, here seeking assistance.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use cgi; use cgi ':standard'; print cgi::header(); use cgi::carp qw(fatalstobrowser warningstobrowser); ### use vars qw(@files $thefile $pathtofile); $listfolder = cgi::param('openthisfolder'); get_file($listfolder); ### sub get_file{ $listfolder = shift; unless (verify_empty($listfolder)) { opendir(dir,$listfolder); @files = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir(dir); closedir(dir); foreach(@files){ $thefile = $_; } #### go off process , unlink file (sub not here) #### $pathtofile = $listfolder.'/'.$thefile; openfilereadprepare($pathtofile); #### after unlinked, openfilereadprepare sub loops script. } else { print qq~no more files process~; exit; } exit; } #### sub verify_empty { $listfolder = shift; opendir(dir, $listfolder) or die "not directory"; return scalar(grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir(dir)) == 0; closedir(dir); }
obviously new @ this. method seems quite "hungry"? seems lot grab 1 filename , process it! guidance great!
edit -latest attempt
my $dir = '..'; @files = glob "$dir/*.txt"; (0..$#files){ $files[$_] =~ s/\.txt$//; } $pathandfile =$files[0].'.txt'; print qq~$pathandfile~;
this "works" but, still gets filenames. none of examples here, far, have worked me. guess live today until figure out. perhaps revisit , see if came better.
you loop using readdir inside while loop. in way readdir won't return files give 1 @ time,
# opendir(dir, ...); $first_file = ""; while (my $file = readdir(dir)) { next if $file eq "." or $file eq ".."; $first_file = $file; last; } print "$first_file\n"; # first file in directory
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