tooltip on shiny R? -

i want have tool-tip in shiny r application. there easy way achieve that? now, creating density map , want simple tool-tip showing "click here slide through years" while hovering mouse on slider year.
user interface:

library(shiny) shinyui(pagewithsidebar(   headerpanel("density map"),   sidebarpanel(     sliderinput("slider_year", "year:",                  min = 2001, max = 2011, value = 2009,                  format="####", locale="us"     )   )  ),    mainpanel(       plotoutput("event_heatmap_map", width = "100%", height = "100%")   ) )) 

server code:

library(shiny) library(ggmap) library(ggplot2) mydata <- read.csv("/var/shiny-server/www/dmetrics.csv") shinyserver(function(input, output) {     output$event_heatmap_map <- renderplot(width = "auto", height = 640,{          slice_year <- mydata[mydata$year==input$slider_year,]         map <- get_map(c(lon = -55.3632715, lat = 31.7632836), zoom = 3, source = 'google', maptype = c("terrain"), messaging = false, color = 'color')         world <- ggmap(map)         world <- world + stat_density2d(data = slice_year, aes(x = west, y = north, fill = ..level.., alpha = ..level..), show_guide = false, geom = "polygon", na.rm = true) + scale_fill_gradient(name="density", low="maroon", high="yellow", guide = 'colorbar')         plot(world)     }) }) 

thanks help.

i think should able replace this:

sliderinput("slider_year", "year:",              min = 2001, max = 2011, value = 2009,              format="####", locale="us" ) 

with this:

tags$div(title="click here slide through years",     sliderinput("slider_year", "year:",                  min = 2001, max = 2011, value = 2009,                  format="####", locale="us"     ) ) 


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