ruby on rails - RSpec suite performance difference -

i've got interesting problem that's causing myself , team lot of headaches when comes running our spec suite.

our spec suite broken following sub-folders, , next them total execution time completion:

rspec spec/acceptance    311.67s rspec spec/controllers   18.97s rspec spec/decorators    4.39s rspec spec/helpers       9.45s rspec spec/lib           16.88s rspec spec/mailers       5.27s rspec spec/models        121.05s rspec spec/presenters    0.03s rspec spec/workers       19.3s  total run time: 8m 27s 

which improved, in pretty managable.

however, if, run rspec spec , run entire suite @ once, total time complete 27m 11s!

so, doing dramatically affecting performance of entire suite when run @ once. i'm hoping can pointers can begin try troubleshoot problem.

if helps, i've posted spec_helper.rb file here

thanks in advance,


at guess, i'd integration specs setting databasecleaner :truncation , it's not getting switched :transaction other specs. have sample spec_helper navigates situation here. there couple methods provided dig in , figure out strategy being used @ given time. here convenience:

def cleaner_strategy   active_record_cleaner.instance_variable_get(:@strategy).class end  def active_record_cleaner   databasecleaner.instance_variable_get(:@cleaners)[[:active_record, {}]] end 

side note: use filter our integration specs since slow. disable them default in our local env, , let ci run them.

config.filter_run_excluding :slow unless env['slow'] 

then can run them individually with:

$ slow=true rspec spec/features/some_awesome_feature_spec.rb 


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