rstudio - R fails to start after moving Rprofile -

i'm using r on mac. tried moving rprofile file different location, r didnt start. when tried put rprofile file original location, couldn't remember folder came from.

my rprofile file located somewhere in /library/frameworks/r.framework/...

now r (and rstudio) fail start, , r gives error message:

error: package 'grdevices' not have namespace   *** caught segfault *** address 0xa8000000, cause 'memory not mapped'  possible actions: 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled) 2: normal r exit 3: exit r without saving workspace 4: exit r saving workspace 

rstudio gives message:

the r session had fatal error.  error r error 4 (r code execution error) [errormsg=error : package 'utils' not have namespace ]; occurred at: core::error r::exec::evaluatestring(const std::string &, sexp *, sexp::protect *) /users/rstudio/rstudio/src/cpp/r/rexec.cpp:255 

i'm assuming r cannot find rprofile file. how can r (and rstudio) start again?

i go exact same error, little irritating. me was telling rstudio use x64 (64 bit).

i had uninstall r completely, start rstudio, asked location of r

i installed bot 64 , 32 bit versions

pointed rstudio newly installed r, 32 bit location time. started fine.

done using rstudio 0.98.507 r 3.1.0 [windows 7 64bit]


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