facebook - Posting to my FB page as the page owner/admin, not my profile name/id -

i have attempted find answer vis-a-vis fb api, google , forum.

what know type of value use 'from' field when posting /page/feed using fb api.

i began including 'picture' field , posts page happening fb account , not page does.

you must first obtain page access token before can post page. you're going need manage_pages , publish_stream permissions too. page access token, should run request using page administrator's account.

assuming you've done login , permission (scope) setting correctly, following code might give idea of how works. assuming $page_id variable holding page's id number.

<?php     if ($me)     {         $pageaccesstoken = $facebook->api('/'.$page_id.'?fields=access_token');         if (isset($pageaccesstoken['access_token']))         {             // switch use page token instead of user token             $facebook->setaccesstoken($pageaccesstoken['access_token']);              // setup post             $params = array('message' => "this test post",                             'picture' => "http://nypsit.edu.sg/images/nypsit.jpg",                             'name'  => "nyp sit homepage",                             'link' => "http://www.nyp.edu.sg/sit/school-of-information-technology",                             'description' => "nanyang polytechnic - school of information technology"                             );              // post page timeline             $status = $facebook->api('/'.$page_id.'/feed', 'post', $params);              // check if post successful             if (isset($status['id']))             {                 echo "<h3>message posted page timeline!!!</h3>";             }         }     }     ?> 


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