android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException json android -

this question has answer here:

in below code got error when running android project sending json second layout, quiero mandar json desde android en un segundo layout pero me manda el error android.os.networkonmainthreadexception desde el logcat

    //obtenemos una referencia al locationmanager     locmanager =          (locationmanager)getsystemservice(context.location_service);     //obtenemos la última posición conocida     final location loc =          locmanager.getlastknownlocation(locationmanager.gps_provider);        // buton ejecuta     btnactualizar.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {         //  comenzarlocalizacion();                httppost request = new httppost( "" );             request.addheader( "content-type", "application/json" );             request.addheader( "authorization", "basic " + base64.encodetostring( "tonatiuhnava:70n471uh".getbytes(), base64.no_wrap));             jsonobject cadena = new jsonobject();              if(loc != null)             {              try{                 cadena.put("nombre", "tonatiuhnava");//le asignamos los datos que necesitemos                 cadena.put("category", new integer(01));                 cadena.put("event", new integer(201));                  cadena.put("fecha",curtime);                 //cadena.put("fecha",  currentdate.togmtstring());                 cadena.put("longitud", new double(loc.getlongitude()));                  cadena.put("latitud", new double(loc.getlatitude()));              } catch ( jsonexception e )             {                 log.d( "wazaaa" , "error json" );              }              try{                 request.setentity( new stringentity(  cadena.tostring() ) );              } catch ( exception e ){                 log.d( "wazaaa" , "error entity" );              }              defaulthttpclient connection = new defaulthttpclient();             try{           log.d( "wazaaa" , "haciendo request");              httpresponse execute = connection.execute( request );             log.d( "wazaaa" , "request hecho");              byte[] bytes = new byte[1000];             int numread = 0;             stringbuilder x = new stringbuilder();             inputstream stream = execute.getentity().getcontent();    bytes );             x.append( new string( bytes, 0, numread ) );                log.d( "wazaaa" , execute.getstatusline().getreasonphrase() );             } catch (clientprotocolexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 log.e( "wazaaa" , "client error" );                 e.printstacktrace();             } catch (ioexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();                 log.e( "internet please :..(" , "io error" );             }             log.d( "wazaaa" , "fin");              // termina if              }else {                 context context = getapplicationcontext();                 charsequence text = "espere que cargue coordenadas...";                 int duration = toast.length_short;                  toast toast = toast.maketext(context, text, duration);       ;               }          } 

blocking requests can not run on ui thread, should run on separate thread. use asynctask. read this.


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