Call a C++ DLL from a C# application -
i'm trying integrate c++ dll our c# application, i'm not able identify what's correct way call 1 of methods. in 2 different places of documentation method definition not equal:
imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(unsigned char *ptrcodeline,int* ilength) imageandscanerror winapi getmicrinfo(char* cmicrinfo,int* iinfolength); /* imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(unsigned char *ptrcodeline,int* ilength) parameters: ptrcodeline: pointer output buffer receive code line read micr algorithm. ptrcodeline should allocate room 96 characters. ilength: number of characters contained in code line function: read micr line on check. function must called after startscan . returns: errornone returned upon success. otherwise, enum imageandscanerror value indicates reason failure returned. */
this how i'm including dll method
[dllimport("scandll.dll", callingconvention = callingconvention.winapi)]
and combinations i've made far
public static extern imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(out intptr cmicrinfo, out int iinfolength); public static extern imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(out byte[] cmicrinfo, out int iinfolength); public static extern imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(out string cmicrinfo, out int iinfolength); public static extern imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(out stringbuilder cmicrinfo, out int iinfolength); intptr cmicrinfotmp; byte[] cmicrinfotmp= new byte[96]; string cmicrinfotmp; stringbuilder cmicrinfotmp; getmicrinfo(out cmicrinfotmp, out iinfolengthtmp);
when use intptr, value debug gives me in vs2010 859256727 size of 4, , when do
string mystring = marshal.ptrtostringansi(cmicrinfotmp);
i empty string.
when try of others (byte[], string, stringbuilder) get
the runtime has encountered fatal error. address of error @ 0x53e6716a, on thread 0x1084. error code 0xc0000005. error may bug in clr or in unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. common sources of bug include user marshaling errors com-interop or pinvoke, may corrupt stack.
what missing here? thanks
you can allocate buffer, pass native function.
//error handling omitted [dllimport("your.dll", charset = charset.ansi)] imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(intptr ptrcodeline,ref int bytescopied); intptr ip = marshal.alloccotaskmem(bufferlen); win32api.zeromemory(ip, (uint)(bufferlen)); int bytescopied=0; getmicrinfo(ip, ref bytescopied); string info= marshal.ptrtostringansi(bytescopied); marshal.freecotaskmem(ip);
if not need reuse buffer during multiple calls of getmicrinfo, can use default marshaler stringbuilder:
[dllimport("your.dll", charset = charset.ansi)] imageandscanerror getmicrinfo(stringbuilder ptrcodeline,ref int bytescopied); stringbuilder ptrcodeline(bufferlen); int bytescopied=0; getmicrinfo(ptrcodeline, ref bytescopied);
it comes performance hit if call getmicrinfo multiple times, because on each call default clr marshaller creates marshalling buffer pinning , unicode-ansi conversion. hit may negligible if function isn't being called or not return lot of data.
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