c# - Unexpected text (System.Int32[]) -

i trying make code computes hold time , press/release times of keys entered through keyboard.

hold time = keyup(i) - keydown(i+1) release_press time = keydown(i+1) - keyup(i) press_press time = keydown(i+1) - keydown(i) release_release time = keyup(i+1) - keyup(i) 

and code neither error nor warnings ...but when run (system.int32[]) in text boxes hold , press/release times should exhibited. don't know why i'm getting error or error is.


    using system;     using system.collections.generic;     using system.componentmodel;     using system.data;     using system.drawing;     using system.linq;     using system.text;     using system.windows.forms;     using domainnn;     using sessionnn;       namespace thelatestks     {          public partial class form1 : form {     brokerrr b = new brokerrr();     public form1()     {         initializecomponent();     }      int = 0;     private void timer1_tick(object sender, eventargs e)     {         i++;     }      int[] a=new int[25];     int[] b=new int[25];     int[] c=new int[25];     int[] d=new int[25];     int[] m=new int[25];     int[] n=new int[25];     int[] o=new int[25];     int[] p=new int[25];      private void textbox2_keydown(object sender, keyeventargs e)     {         timer1.enabled = true;          (int = 0; < textbox2.textlength; a++)         {             timer2.enabled = true;             m[a] = k;             if (a >= 1)             {                 o[a] = k;             }         }     }      int j = 0;     int s = 0;     float ave = 0;     private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)          {             timer1.enabled = false;             textbox5.text = i.tostring() + " ms";             s = s + i;             personnn p = new personnn();             p.username = textbox1.text;             p.password = textbox2.text;             p.totaltyping = label5.text;             p.keyduration = textbox3.text;              textbox4.text += textbox2.text + environment.newline;              if (j >= 2)             {                 ave = s / 3;                 textbox6.text = ave.tostring() + " ms";             }              p.meanoftotal = textbox6.text;             p.udlatency1 = textbox8.text;             p.ddlatency1 = textbox9.text;             p.uulatency1 = textbox10.text;              b.insert(p);              textbox1.text = " ";             textbox2.text = " ";             textbox3.text = " ";             textbox8.text = " ";             textbox9.text = " ";             textbox10.text = " ";              = 0;              j++;          }      private void textbox1_keydown(object sender, keyeventargs e)     {          if ((e.keyvalue < 65 || e.keyvalue > 122) && (e.keyvalue != 32) && (e.keyvalue != 8))         {             label7.text = "only letters allowed";           }          if (e.keyvalue ==  8)         {             label7.text = " ";         }     }      private void textbox2_keyup(object sender, keyeventargs e)     {         (int = 0; < textbox2.textlength; a++)         {             timer2.enabled = true;             n[a] = k;             if (a >= 1)             {                 p[a] = k;             }          }          (int ii = 0; ii <textbox2.textlength; ii++)         {          a[ii] = n[ii] - m[ii];// key duration         }          (int iii = 0; iii < textbox2.textlength-1; iii++)         {          b[iii] = o[iii] - n[iii];//ud latency          c[iii] = o[iii] - m[iii];//ddlatency          d[iii] = p[iii] - n[iii];//uu latency         }          textbox3.text = a.tostring();// key duration          textbox8.text = b.tostring();// ud latency          textbox9.text = c.tostring();// dd latency          textbox10.text = d.tostring();// uu latency      }      int k = 0;     private void timer2_tick(object sender, eventargs e)     {         k++;     }      private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {      }      private void label8_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {      }  }     } 


    using system;     using system.collections.generic;     using system.linq;     using system.text;      namespace domainnn     { public class personnn {     int id;      public int id     {         { return id; }         set { id = value; }     }     string username;      public string username     {         { return username; }         set { username = value; }     }     string password;      public string password     {         { return password; }         set { password = value; }     }      string totaltyping;      public string totaltyping     {         { return totaltyping; }         set { totaltyping = value; }     }      string meanoftotal;      public string meanoftotal     {         { return meanoftotal; }         set { meanoftotal = value; }     }      string keyduration;      public string keyduration     {         { return keyduration; }         set { keyduration = value; }     }      string udlatency;      public string udlatency1     {         { return udlatency; }         set { udlatency = value; }     }     string ddlatency;      public string ddlatency1     {         { return ddlatency; }         set { ddlatency = value; }     }     string uulatency;      public string uulatency1     {         { return uulatency; }         set { uulatency = value; }     } }     } 


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.data; using system.data.oledb; using domainnn;  namespace sessionnn {     public class brokerrr     {         oledbconnection connection;         oledbcommand command;          private void connectto()         {             connection = new oledbconnection(@"provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=c:\users\s.m.a.s\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\thelatestks\databaseee.accdb");             command = connection.createcommand();          }         public brokerrr()         {             connectto();         }          public void insert(personnn p)         {             try             {                 command.commandtext = "insert table1 ([username], [password], totaltyping, meanoftotal, keyduration, udlatency, ddlatency ,uulatency) values('" + p.username + "', '" + p.password + "', '" + p.totaltyping + "', '"+p.meanoftotal+"', '"+p.keyduration+"', '"+p.udlatency1+"', '"+p.ddlatency1+"', '"+p.uulatency1+"')";                 command.commandtype = commandtype.text;                 connection.open();                  command.executenonquery();             }             catch (exception)             {                  throw;             }                         {                 if (connection != null)                 {                     connection.close();                 }             }         }     } } 

the problem lines following:

textbox3.text = a.tostring();// key duration 

the tostring() method doesn't make string containing numbers. tells type is. default tostring behavior.

ints display number because have overridden tostring method.

you might want


or might want make sort of aggregate string of array, in case can write function or that.


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