iphone - NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler Hijacked by Third Party SDK -
edit: who're wondering sdk is, it's chinese clone of flurry, ==>> umeng.
edit 2: there's disable crash log handling option in weird sdk, make uncaughtexceptionhandler called again. still interested in how sdk did trick in first place.
i'm playing third party ios analytics sdk. weird discovery:
originally (before added sdk), had uncaughtexceptionhandler in appdelegate.m. worked fine. whenever exception occurred when testing on real idevice, printed log console.
//worked charm before added weird analytics sdk nssetuncaughtexceptionhandler(&uncaughtexceptionhandler);
then added weird analytics sdk (all did drop .a lib project , add 1 line appdelegate.m, mentioned below), of sudden, uncaughtexceptionhandler never gets called.
//to make sure uncaughtexceptionhandler not set second time sdk, //i set , reset again, before , after initialized weird sdk nssetuncaughtexceptionhandler(&uncaughtexceptionhandler); [weirdanalyticssdk startwithappkey:@"xxx_xxx_xxx_xxx"]; nssetuncaughtexceptionhandler(&uncaughtexceptionhandler);
as turns out, no matter do, long initialized sdk in appdelegate, uncaughtexceptionhandler won't called when exception occurs.
can me please? on earth weird sdk did uncaughtexceptionhandler?
this because weirdanalyticssdk
sends crash reports server , overridse
it happend me while using hockeyapp sdk
. ignored init lines sdk in debug mode , worked fine.
you should check if weirdanalyticssdk
has enable debug mode
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