iphone - Translate UIView by dragging another UIView -
please refer image below following question: blue , orange circles see uiview's. able drag blue uiview has uipangesturerecognizer , have orange circle translate accordingly , stay same distance blue circle now. meaning, if drag blue circle down, orange uiview should stay parallel blue circle , translate down well. if drag blue circle right, orange circle should translate right , stay same distance blue circle now.
so right circles part of same class have uipangesturerecognizer on them. here code drag these views:
-(void)dragging:(uipangesturerecognizer *)p { uiview *newview = p.view; if (p.state == uigesturerecognizerstatebegan) { self.origc = newview.center; } self.delta = [p translationinview:newview.superview]; cgpoint c = self.origc; c.x +=self.delta.x; c.y +=self.delta.y; newview.center = c; [self.delegate refreshview]; }
within uipangesturerecognizer class, able obtain translation of pan gesture in coordinate system of specified view with:
self.delta = [p translationinview:newview.superview];
i think delta need apply translation of orange circle, i'm not sure how go doing that? appreciated. thank you!
do doing directly dragged point.
if (p.state == uigesturerecognizerstatebegan) { self.origc = newview.center; // code self.origd = otherview.center; // new code } cgpoint c = self.origc; // code c.x +=self.delta.x; // code c.y +=self.delta.y; // code newview.center = c; // code cgpoint d = self.origd; // new code d.x +=self.delta.x; // new code d.y +=self.delta.y; // new code otherview.center = d; // new code
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