python - Checking through a variable to see if it doesn't contains anymore strings -

def main():     #word = input("word guess player 2:")     word = ['h','e','l','l','o']     word2 = "hello"     #make list of _ same length word     display =[]     in range (0,len(word)):         display.append("_")      chances = int(input("number of chances guess word:"))     if len(word)== 11:         print ("your word long. has 10 charecters or less")     else:         word = word     if chances < len(word):         answer = input("your word {0} letters long , sure don't want more chances? yes or no?". format (len(word)))         if answer == "no":             chances= int(input("number of chances:"))         else:             chances = chances             ("ok lets continue game")     print ("player 2, have {0} chances guess word.". format (chances))     won = false     underscore = false     while chances > 0 , won == false , underscore == false:         guess = input("enter guess: ")         gc=false          in range (0,len(word)):             if guess == word[i]:                 gc=true                 display[i]=guess          if not gc:             chances = chances - 1          display2 = ""         in display:             display2 = display2 + + " " 

for reason code doesn't work when state while loop game continues go on until user runs out of guess'. have suggestions how can fix this?

you never set won true when user wins game guessing letters.


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