java - "Inline" list of checkboxes - auto line break -

i have jpanel (extended generaloptions class) implemented as:

public generaloptions() {     setlayout(new miglayout("", "[grow]", "[][][][]"));      jlabel lblwyzywienie = new jlabel("food");     add(lblwyzywienie, "cell 0 0");      jcheckbox chckbxhb = new jcheckbox("hb");     add(chckbxhb, "cell 0 1");     jcheckbox chckbxbb = new jcheckbox("bb");     add(chckbxbb, "cell 0 1,alignx trailing");     jcheckbox chckbxall = new jcheckbox("all inclusive");     add(chckbxall, "cell 0 1,alignx trailing");  } 

as can see, there list of checkboxes in 1 cell of miglayout. jpanel in placed left panel of splitpanel component, width resizable.

what want achieve force list of checkboxes act "inline" html list of checkboxes. means, should break line when width of panel not enough show them in single line.

now can't resize panel below width of whole list , if init width less list of checkboxes, of them hidden.

example html code can try resize right panel see i'm talking about.

take on following discussion:

scroll down see code. implemented own layout manager want.


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