String.methods.include?(:upcase) => false but '.upcase' is listed in -
i have been playing around strings bit (in irb), , found myself in trouble understanding meaning of following code:
string.methods => [:try_convert, :allocate, :new, :superclass, :freeze, :===, :==, :<=>, :<, :<=, :>, :>=, :to_s, :included_modules, :include?, :name, :ancestors, :instance_methods, :public_instance_methods, :protected_instance_methods, :private_instance_methods, :constants, :const_get, :const_set, :const_defined?, :const_missing, :class_variables, :remove_class_variable, :class_variable_get, :class_variable_set, :class_variable_defined?, :public_constant, :private_constant, :module_exec, :class_exec, :module_eval, :class_eval, :method_defined?, :public_method_defined?, :private_method_defined?, :protected_method_defined?, :public_class_method, :private_class_method, :autoload, :autoload?, :instance_method, :public_instance_method, :nil?, :=~, :!~, :eql?, :hash, :class, :singleton_class, :clone, :dup, :initialize_dup, :initialize_clone, :taint, :tainted?, :untaint, :untrust, :untrusted?, :trust, :frozen?, :inspect, :methods, :singleton_methods, :protected_methods, :private_methods, :public_methods, :instance_variables, :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_variable_defined?, :instance_of?, :kind_of?, :is_a?, :tap, :send, :public_send, :respond_to?, :respond_to_missing?, :extend, :display, :method, :public_method, :define_singleton_method, :object_id, :to_enum, :enum_for, :equal?, :!, :!=, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :__send__, :__id__]
hence well-known method 'upcase' not included in output, tried receive way:
string.methods.include?(:upcase) => false # mother of god, shocked!
but lists .upcase method method of class string.
and of course, in irb-sessions or editor, ruby understands execute
"whatdoiknow".upcase => "whatdoiknow"
my questions are:
- what kind of methods output string.methods
- why .upcase method not listed in output
- how can literally list methods string (eg. when searching something)
strings have upcase
method. string
not string, class, , classes don't have upcase
if want know whether particular string object has upcase
method, should ask string:
'foo'.methods.include?(:upcase) # => true
or should ask string
class whether has instance method include
defined strings:
string.instance_methods.include?(:upcase) # => true
remember: classes objects other. have methods, have instance variables, have class.
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